We hope you will join us this October 2019 for the 5th annual Gala of Hope ! We will have Casino Tables, Music, Cocktails & Hors D’oeuvres and a Short Speaking Program. As always, we will have raffles and a silent/live auction to raise the much-needed funds for research!
Kathy's Gala of Hope

Our Sponsors

We are grateful to the many sponsors who lend their names and support Granara-Skerry Trust in the fight against Pancreatic Cancer. We encourage you to visit their websites. Click the “More Info” button to see ALL of our sponsors.
MGH Cancer Center

On December 14, 2018 Kathy’s eldest brother John Granara hand delivered a check to Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center. These funds will be used to purchase blanket warmers for the patients going through their chemo treatment.