A Little about the Granara-Skerry Trust Annual 5K Walk/Run

The preparations for the 9th Annual 5K Walk/Run for Pancreatic Cancer Research are well under way, the Save the Dates are in the mail and REGISTRATION is now open. Funds raised in conjunction with this event will benefit Pancreatic Cancer Research at the MGH. The Walk/Run is in memory of our Founder, Kathleen Granara Skerry, a life-long Medford native who was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer in September of 2005.

Sadly, Kathy lost her battle in April of 2009, but her courageous spirit and determination to make a difference is still with us. Granara-Skerry Trust, a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit, was formed to carry on the battle against this insidious disease. To date, Granara-Skerry Trust has raised and donated over $835,000 for vital research.

Granara-Skerry Trust began its partnership with Massachusetts General Hospital after Kathy and her family learned that monies for Pancreatic Cancer Research were severely lacking. It was at that time the Trust made a commitment to raise one million dollars for Pancreatic Cancer Research for the MGH.

Unfortunately, Pancreatic Cancer still remains a silent killer. It gives no warning and there is no screening for early detection. Although some progress is being made in treatment, much more research is needed to combat this deadly disease.
If you are not able to walk or run you can still join us for our Post Walk/Run Celebration with Awards, Music, Prizes, Refreshments, Raffles, and Kid’s Entertainment. We hope you plan to attend and are looking forward to the event as much as we are!